Get to the not-so-itty-bitty details of penis enlargement in Dallas, TX.
We are all too familiar with the statement, “the bigger, the better.” It even applies to penis size, right? That is why penis enlargement products are prevalent nowadays.
You should know two things: first, if you think you have a small penis, you probably have a normal-sized penis, and second, many false claims about enlarging your penis.
So the question remains: is it possible to increase your penis size? This article will give you insight into penis enlargement backed by scientific research.
Body dysmorphia and a poor body image are among the reasons men want larger penises. Take advantage of penis enlargement in Dallas, TX, to feel better about yourself!
Penis Enlargement: Does It Work?
There are a lot of penis enlargement advertisements on TV, the Internet, etc. Various over-the-counter products and medical treatments promise a larger penis. However, do any of them really work?
Some of the things men use to try to increase penis size include penis weights, vacuum pumps, supplements, and creams. According to experts, these treatments rarely work or do little to increase penis size.
Learn More Here: Men’s Sexual Health Clinic: Can A Penile Ring Help With Erections?
Trying a penis enlargement device or treatment for the first time can be confusing. Talk to your doctor before you try anything.
How To Increase Penis Size
We rounded up some ways to safely increase penis size.
A word of caution: Most penis enlargement products don’t work. Some can even be hazardous. Don’t be fooled by marketing schemes.
Instead, seek the advice of a doctor before attempting any new techniques or products.
Manually massage the penis.
Stretching the penis involves using a variety of approaches, such as stretching the penis with hands or using enlargement devices. Stretching exercises for the penis can help you achieve increased penis size naturally. One simple home remedy is to massage your penis gently with lubricants.
It would help if you did this repeatedly to get faster results. It works by applying oil to the penis and massaging it gently. This exercise aids in stretching your penis skin, which enlarges your penis.
Practice pelvic floor exercises.
The size of your penis increases significantly during an erection. Regularly performing kegel exercises can bring about stronger pelvic floor muscles.
Kegel exercises can increase erect penis size by stimulating a healthy blood supply in the pelvic area by improving blood flow and circulation. Stronger pelvic floor muscles mean better circulation, leading to a longer penis.
Lose excess weight.
If you have excess weight around your tummy area, this can make your penis look smaller. Keep a healthy weight to make your penis appear more prominent and more prolonged in proportion to your body. It may also enhance your sexual pleasure.
If you have a lot of pubic hair, trimming that hair may make your penis look longer. It could increase sensitivity in the area during sexual encounters.
Don’t let your stress levels rise.
It is also possible for stress and anxiety to reduce penis size. All the negative feelings can have physical manifestations, including poor blood flow to the penis, making it harder for the penis size to increase. Increased blood pressure levels and anxiety over sexual performance may also contribute to the small size of your penis.
Relaxation techniques to reduce stress promote healthy blood flow to the penis and improve sexual performance.
Stop smoking.
We are all aware of the harmful effects of smoking – such as lung cancer and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. But did you know it can also cause your penis to shrink?
By inhaling nicotine, your heart beats faster, your blood pressure rises, and your arteries constrict. Smoking cigarettes damages the blood vessels in the penis, preventing them from expanding and filling with blood, making your penis unable to attain an erection.
Big D Girth: Penis Enlargement in Dallas, TX
No matter where you place on the size charts, we in Dallas, TX, got you covered! We provide medical penis enlargement for men who want noticeable improvements in penis size.
Big D Girth has instantly provided men with a thicker, wider penis. It’s an advanced, safe, and effective penis enlargement procedure that provides substantially noticeable results in both the flaccid and erect states.
Big D Girth in Dallas, TX, is the only medical penis enlargement technique that improves penis size.
How does Big D Girth work?
Our penis enlargement procedure is a minimally invasive, non-surgical, outpatient procedure. Dallas Anti-Aging & Wellness is the only clinic that offers the propriety Big D Girth® penis enlargement.
Big D Girth penis enlargement is a breakthrough method that provides a visually larger penis on the same day as the procedure, with full enlargement in 1 to 2 weeks.
Our penis enlargement experts safely insert a blunter cannula tip into two places of the penis. And then, the doctors will inject the non-permanent fillers into the penis.
The unique benefits of our penis enlargement procedure are that it can last up to a year and a half, be touched up to maintain size, and are reversible!
Get The Best Penis Enlargement Treatment in Dallas, TX!
Let us at Dallas Anti-Aging & Wellness help you feel like the man you used to be! Join thousands of men who have flown to Dallas for our breakthrough penis enlargement procedure! This approach is the only medical penis enlargement method that improves penis size noticeably.
Dallas Anti-Aging & Wellness is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Our clinical practice consists of preventative, functional, and regenerative medicine, and we provide safe, effective, and proven treatment solutions. With our help, you will regain your sex drive, look and feel years younger, and improve your overall quality of life.
Contact Dallas Anti-Aging & Wellness at 214-646-1523 for a consultation to learn more about penis enlargement.