Men’s Sexual Health Clinic: Can A Penile Ring Help With Erections?

Posted September 28, 2022
By Edwin Escobar, M.D. In Have Great Sex

Men’s Sexual Health Clinic: Can A Penile Ring Help With Erections?

Here’s what an expert at a men’s sexual health clinic in Dallas says about penile rings and erectile dysfunction.

Men's Sexual Health Clinic Dallas TX Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a growing problem in the United States. In fact, according to the National Institute of Health, about 30 million American men are dealing with ED.

When we talk about improving erections, we usually think of oral drugs meant for erectile dysfunction (ED). Fortunately, there are non-drug options for ED treatment.

One of them is the use of penile rings. Penile rings or cock rings are not just sex toys. Penile rings indeed increase performance and pleasure, but they also provide relief from erectile dysfunction.

Dallas’ leading men’s sexual health clinic provides clinically proven nondrug ED treatments, so men can have the love life they deserve. Discover different ED treatments you can enjoy combined with a penile ring.

Make sex better for you and your partner with nondrug ED treatments from Dallas’ men’s sexual health clinic.

What is a penile ring?

Penile rings fit around the base of the penis to help maintain an erection. They’re also called erectile dysfunction (ED) ring, tension ring, or “cock ring.” You may also place a penile ring around the testicles to obtain harder, bigger, and longer-lasting erections. Many types of materials for penile rings include silicone, rubber, leather, and metal.

How can it improve my erections?

Most people probably think of penis rings as a device that may increase pleasure during sex. But did you know that penile rings are not just sex toys? You can also get them from men’s sexual health clinics, as penile rings help with ED. Some men with erectile dysfunction use penile rings combined with a vacuum pump to improve erections.

Erectile dysfunction can result from your body not being able to maintain enough blood in the penis to start or sustain an erection. In addition to trapping blood in the penis for more extended periods of time, a penile ring will increase the amount of blood in the penis for a stronger erection.

How does it work?

A penile ring may be used for erectile dysfunction by slowing the blood flow from the erect penis, allowing it to stay hard longer. It works best if you’re able to get a partial or full erection.

A penile ring fits around the base of the penis or around the penis and testicles, applying pressure to the surrounding area and causing blood to flow more slowly out of the penis.

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One of the causes of erectile dysfunction can be that your body can’t keep enough blood in the penis to get an erection started or keep an erection going. A penis ring will trap blood in the penis for longer and increases the total amount of blood in the penis for a stronger erection.

Are penile rings safe?

Most of the time, yes, penile rings are safe. Make sure that it fits and is not so tight that you will feel numb when wearing it. Also, ensure that the penile ring is not left too long. Take it off after 20 minutes.

Consult your doctor before using a penile ring if you have concerns about its use. Penile rings may not be suitable for those with certain medical conditions.

Keeping an erection is difficult if you don’t have a good erection to begin with. A tight-fitting penile ring at the base of the penis can provide relief from erectile dysfunction.

What are other nondrug options for ED?

Erectile dysfunction awareness has changed dramatically since Viagra and similar drugs were introduced in the late 90s. Many men cannot take oral ED medications because of their conditions. This is one of the reasons our men’s sexual health clinic in Dallas offers nondrug ED treatments, many of which target poor blood flow, the underlying cause of ED.

Today, there are a lot more drug-free treatments available for ED, including penile rings. Penile rings have the main advantage that you can use them alongside other erectile dysfunction treatments to enhance their effectiveness.

At our men’s sexual health clinic, we also offer nondrug ED treatments that you can combine with penile rings:

  • The P-Shot®

    The P-shot, or Priapus Shot, utilizes the power of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to provide men with longer, stronger, more sustainable erections. The P-Shot stimulates blood flow in the penis, increasing firmness, strength, and longevity.

  • Big D Shot®

    The Big D Shot takes the medically proven benefits of the P-shot for erectile dysfunction to the next level. To enhance the results men can obtain from PRP alone, we added a tissue graft known as Allograft to increase growth factors.

  • Big D Wave®

    The Big D Wave provides the latest non-invasive, drug-free, surgery-free way to treat erectile dysfunction! Big D Wave uses sound waves to improve blood flow to the penis for better and stronger erections!

  • Custom Compounded ED Medications

    We can provide the same active ingredient found in Cialis or Viagra and custom compound it into a different dosage form, such as an oral liquid (suspension), a lozenge, or a capsule.

Visit the leading men’s sexual health clinic in Dallas

Men’s sexual health clinic Dallas TXJoin thousands of men who have tried nondrug erectile dysfunction treatments! Our men’s sexual health clinic in Dallas, TX, can help boost your confidence as you maintain longer and stronger erections.

Dallas Anti-Aging & Wellness is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. We provide safe, effective, proven treatment solutions for preventative, functional, and regenerative medicine.

You’ll regain your sexual drive, feel and look years younger, and improve your quality of life with our help.

Contact Dallas Anti-Aging & Wellness today at 214-646-1523 for a consultation to learn more.

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Are you ready to learn more about the anti-aging solutions that could change your life for the better? Schedule a free consultation with our Dallas clinic today. We serve patients nationwide right here in Dallas.

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