Why Muscle Mass is More Important Than You Think – Testosterone Therapy Might Help

Posted January 21, 2022
By Dallas Anti-Aging & Wellness In Men's Health

Why Muscle Mass is More Important Than You Think – Testosterone Therapy Might Help

The importance of testosterone and muscle mass for men in Dallas goes further than just looking your best – and does much more than just boost your confidence! 

So if you are considering getting testosterone therapy in the Dallas area, understanding the role of muscle mass in the body will help you have a deeper appreciation of why this therapy is transformative for so many men.

Testosterone Therapy for Men Dallas TX

Muscle mass is important for a variety of reasons. Just the presence of more muscle within the body completely changes the physiology of your body and how efficiently it operates.

It affects everything from your metabolism to the clarity you feel in your mind (not to mention the sexual health benefits. 

Whether you’ve spent time building muscle or not, if you’re interested in improving your health, muscle mass is a key part of your health that cannot be overlooked. 

If you’re having trouble losing weight or experiencing other age-related symptoms such as hair loss and erectile dysfunction (ED), you may need to increase your lean muscle mass.

Here are a few reasons why muscle mass is so important. 

  • Muscle Helps You Burn Fat

    If you have been struggling to burn off stubborn pockets of fat across your body, you may be experiencing the effects of low testosterone. When testosterone levels in the body remain low, the body has a decreased ability to both build and maintain lean muscle mass, which is why those stubborn fat deposits insist on sticking around.

    In a vicious cycle, increased adipose tissue (i.e., fat!) releases the hormone estrogen, which then throws off the balance of your T and increases the likelihood that you’ll pack on more fat. Low T also translates into muscle loss, a condition known as sarcopenia.

    Fat doesn’t burn many calories. But muscle does. Once you start rebuilding your muscle mass, you need more calories to fuel that tissue. The more muscles you build, the easier it is to burn off calories in the form of excess fat 

  • Muscle Mass Improves Bone Density

    Even though osteopenia and osteoporosis are well-known to affect postmenopausal women, men lose bone mass as they age, too. In fact, men account for about 30% of all hip fractures, one of the most dangerous and debilitating types of fractures you can suffer. 

    Strength training slows bone loss and can even reverse it. Bone regenerates itself when it’s subjected to healthy stress, and testosterone plays an important role in this process. Multiple studies have demonstrated a strong link between the presence of lean muscle mass and healthy bone density late into a person’s life. 

  • More Muscle = More Testosterone

    Just as we mentioned that fat tissue could trigger the release of estrogen, the presence of muscle tissue helps to trigger the release of testosterone throughout the body. The more muscle you begin to develop through exercise and a protein-rich diet, the more you will prime your body to produce more testosterone.

    Strength and resistance training routines are a powerful way to jumpstart the production of testosterone in the body. If you believe you may be at risk, it is important to consider the lifestyle changes you may need to adopt to get your body back to equilibrium. Joining a gym or health club in the Dallas area is a good place to start, and there are plenty of great options to choose from!

Testosterone Therapy (TRT) Helps To Build Muscle Mass

One of the most powerful ways to aid this process and boost your body’s testosterone levels is through testosterone replacement therapy. By working with a TRT specialist in the Dallas area, you can start to rebalance your hormonal equilibrium and supercharge your ability to burn fat. 

TRT Therapy is a safe and healthy way to reap the benefits of proper testosterone levels in the body. Some of its main benefits include:

  • Improved libido
  • Increased energy 
  • Improved ability to build/maintain muscle mass
  • Improved mood
  • Increased memory and cognition

Learn More Here: A Beginner’s Guide To Testosterone Replacement Therapy

These are just a few examples of the many benefits that proper testosterone levels can provide the body. 

How Testosterone Therapy for Men Works

Testosterone Therapy for Men Dallas TXTestosterone therapy is a proven and scientifically backed process that involves replacing depleted levels of testosterone in the body with either natural or bioidentical hormones.

The important thing to note is that properly administered testosterone therapy considers the importance of a balanced hormonal system and that adding testosterone to the body needs to be targeted based on your body’s unique needs.  This requires a delicate balance.

This is why our Dallas treatment providers focus on getting a clear picture of your health status through personalized testing procedures. 

Testosterone therapy is actually very similar to the use of insulin for type-I diabetics; the body is lacking endogenous production of a necessary hormone, so it needs to be “replaced” with an exogenous source.

In the case of testosterone therapy, this means using exogenous testosterone (generally prescribed as an injection) to bring testosterone levels back to a healthy range. Other forms of testosterone prescriptions exist as well, such as testosterone patches and testosterone creams (both of which are absorbed through the skin instead of being injected).

While the majority of males on testosterone therapy are over the age of 50, younger men are taking action into their own hands and having their testosterone levels checked these days. We strongly encourage this if you are experiencing symptoms of low T. 

Testosterone Therapy for Men in Dallas, Texas

If you have been struggling with low energy, stubborn fat deposits, depressed mood, or a lack of motivation – then testosterone therapy for men in Dallas, TX may be right for you.

Reach out to our friendly customer service team today at (214) 646-1523 or schedule a consultation to learn more about this treatment and if you are a good candidate. 

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