Flashes, mood swings and dizziness are all common of Menopause, and affect daily life in all aspects from not having enough energy to pick up your kids to having to leave your office to cool down. The fact that every woman faces Menopause, does not lessen its symptoms or the fact that it is one of the most debilitating, annoying things for a woman to go through in her life.
Enter Hormone Replace Therapy. This amazing, progressive way to treat anything from Andropause (men’s ‘menopause’ ) to Testosterone Deficiency, is also useful when it comes to treating Menopause. Estrogen and Progesterone are the recommended hormones for the use of treating menopause, since the ovaries actually stop producing Estrogen and Progesterone during Menopause.
This is what causes the hot flashes, and even more serious diseases such as Osteoporosis.
An important factor to consider when treating Menopause with Hormone Replacement Therapy is whether or not to use Estrogen by itself, or the two together. It is recommended to use Estrogen by itself if the uterus has been removed. Progesterone is only required if you are at risk for endometrial cancer, which is only a risk if you still have your uterus.
If you do still have your uterus, it is highly recommended to use Estrogen and Progesterone together. The two will have a stronger effect on treating your symptoms, and it will lessen your risk at getting endometrial cancer, as previously mentioned.
Call our office today for more information on this very effective treatment of Menopause, and to schedule a consultation. We are highly experienced in Hormone Treatment Therapy, and can advise you on which course of action is best to take.